f is a vector field which potentially changes with time and governs how the system evolves.
Definition 30
The system is autonomous if f(x,t) is not explicitly dependent on time t.
Definition 31
A point x0 is an equilibrium point at time t0 if
Consider a single trajectory ϕ(t,t0,x0).
Definition 32
A set S is said to be the ω−limit set of ϕ if
Whereas linear systems converge to a single point if they converge at all, nonlinear systems can converge to a set of points. Thus the ω−limit set essentially generalizes the idea of a limit.
Definition 33
A set M⊂Rn is said to be invariant if
An invariant set is one which a trajectory of the system will never leave once it enters the set. Just like linear systems, non-linear systems can also have periodic solutions.
Definition 34
Solutions to Nonlinear Systems
Consider the nonlinear system
Definition 35
Because the system is nonlinear, it could potentially have no solution, one solution, or many solutions. These solutions could exist locally, or they could exist for all time. We might also want to know when there is a solution which depends continuously on the initial conditions.
Theorem 7 (Local Existence and Uniqueness)
Theorem 8 (Global Existence and Uniqueness)
Once we know that solutions to a nonlinear system exist, we can sometimes bound them.
Theorem 9 (Bellman-Gronwall Lemma)
Another thing we might want to do is understand how the nonlinear system reacts to changes in the initial condition.
Theorem 10
Planar Dynamical Systems
It turns out that understanding the linear dynamics at equilibrium points can be helpful in understanding the nonlinear dynamics near equilibrium points.
Theorem 11 (Hartman-Grobman Theorem)
essentially says that the linear dynamics predict the nonlinear dynamics around equilibria, but only for a neighborhood around the equilibrium point. Outside of this neighborhood, the linearization may be very wrong.
Theorem 12 (Bendixon's Theorem)
Theorem 13 (Poincare-Bendixson Theorem)
A closed orbit γ is a trajectory of the system such that γ(0)=γ(T) for finite T.
A function Φ(t) is a solution to dtdx=f(x,t),x(t0)=x0 on the closed interval [t0,t] if Φ(t) is defined on the interval [t0,t], dtdΦ=f(Φ(t),t) on the interval [t0,t], and Φ(t0)=x0.
We say that Φ(t) is a solution in the sense of Caratheodory if
Given dtdx=f(x,t),x(t0)=x0∈Rn where f is piecewise continuous in t and ∃T>t0 such that ∀t∈[t0,T],f is L-Lipschitz Continuous, then ∃δ>0 such that a solution exists and is unique ∀t∈[t0,t0+δ].
can be proved using the Contraction Mapping Theorem (Theorem 2) by finding δ such that the function P:Cn[t0,t0+δ]→Cn[t0,t0+δ] given by
is a contraction under the norm ∥Φ∥∞=supt0≤t≤t0+δ∥Φ(t)∥.
Suppose f(x,t) is piecewise continuous in t and ∀T∈[t0,∞), ∃LT<∞ such that f is LT Lipshitz continuous for all x,y∈Rn, then the nonlinear system has exactly one solution on [t0,T].
Suppose λ∈R is a constant and μ:[a,b]→R is continuous and non-negative, then for a continuous function y:[a,b]→R
Suppose the system dtdx=f(x,t),x(t0)=x0 satisfies the conditions of global uniqueness and existence. Fix T∈[t0,∞] and suppose x(⋅) and z(⋅) are two solutions satisfying dtdx=f(x,t),x(t0)=x0 and dtdz=f(z(t),t),z(t0)=z0, then ∀ϵ>0,∃δ>0 such that
is best understood by defining a function Ψ:Rn→Cn[t0,t] where Ψ(x0)(t) returns the solution to the system given the initial condition. If the conditions of are satisfied, then the function Ψ will be continuous.
Planar dynamical systems are those with 2 state variables. Suppose we linearize the autonomous system dtdx=f(x) at an equilibrium point.
Depending on the eigenvalues of ∂x∂f, the Jacobian, we get several cases for how this linear system behaves. We’ll let z1 and z2 be the eigenbasis of the phase space.
The eigenvalues are real, yielding solutions z1=z1(0)eλ1t,z2=z2(0)eλ2t. If we eliminate the time variable, we can plot the trajectories of the system.
When λ1,λ2<0, all trajectories converge to the origin, so we call this a stable node.
When λ1,λ2>0, all trajectories blow up, so we call this an unstable node.
When λ1<0<λ2, the trajectories will converge to the origin along the axis corresponding to λ1 and diverge along the axis corresponding to λ2, so we call this a saddle node.
There is a single repeated eigenvalue with one eigenvector. As before, we can eliminate the time variable and plot the trajectories on the z1, z2 axes.
When λ<0, the trajetories will converge to the origin, so we call it an improper stable node
When λ>0, the trajetories will diverge from the origin, so we call it an improper unstable node
When there is a complex pair of eigenvalues, the linear system will have oscillatory behavior. The Real Jordan form of ∂x∂f will look like
The parameter β will determine the direction of the trajectories (clockwise if positive).
When α<0, the trajectories will spiral towards the origin, so we call it a stable focus.
When α=0, the trajectories will remain at a constant radius from the origin, so we call it a center.
When α>0, the trajectories will spiral away from the origin, so we call it an unstable focus.
If the linearization of a planar dynamical system dtdx=f(x) at an equilibrium point x0 has no zero or purely imaginary eigenvalues, then there exists a homeomorphism from a neighborhood U of x0 into R2 which takes trajectories of the nonlinear system and maps them onto the linearization where h(x0)=0, and the homeomorphism can be chosen to preserve the parameterization by time.
Suppose that we have a simply connected region D (meaning D cannot be contracted to a point) and we want to know if it contains a closed orbit.
If div(f) is not identically zero in a sub-region of D and does not change sign in D, then Dcontains no closed orbits.
lets us rule out closed orbits from regions of R2. If we have a positively invariant region, then we can determine whether it contains closed orbits.
If M is a compact, positively invariant set for the flow ϕt(x), then if M contains no equilibrium points, then Mhas a limit cycle.