M⊂Rn is a m-dimensional smooth sub-manifold of Rn if ∀p∈M,∃r>0 and F:Br(p)→Rn−m such that
M∩Br(p)={x∈Br(p)∣F(x)=0},F is smooth,∀xˉ∈M∩Br(p),Rank(∂x∂Fxˉ)=n−m
By Definition 19, a manifold is essentially defined as the 0-level set of some smooth function F and can be thought of as a surface embedded in a higher dimension.
Definition 20
The tangent space of a manifold M at p∈M is given by
The tangent space consists of all vectors tangent to the manifold at a particular point p.
Definition 21
The Tangent Bundle of a manifold M is the collection of all tangent spaces
Definition 22
A vector field f:M→TM on a manifold M is an assignment of each point p∈M to a vector in the tangent space in that point TpM.
Therefore, a vector field can be thought of as a curve through the tangent bundle of a manifold.
Definition 23
The Lie Derivative of a function V with respect to a vector field f is given by
A Lie Derivative is essentially a directional derivative, and it measures how a function changes along a vector field.
Definition 24
It is helpful when chaining Lie Brackets since we can denote
Since the Lie Bracket is a vector field, we can look at Lie Derivatives with respect to the Lie Bracket of two vector fields.
Theorem 4
We can also use relate repeated Lie Derivatives to doing repeated Lie Brackets.
Theorem 5
Definition 25
Definition 26
Distributions have different properties which are important to look at.
Definition 27
Definition 28
In involutive distributions, you can never leave the distribution by traveling along vectors inside the distribution.
Definition 29
It turns out that integrability and involutivity are equivalent to each other.
Theorem 6 (Frobenius Theorem)
Suppose that f(x) and g(x) are vector fields. The Lie Bracket of f and g is given by
The Lie Bracket is another vector field, and it essentially measures the difference between moving along vector field f and vector field g across some infinitesimal distance. Another way to think about the Lie Bracket is as a measure of the extent to which f and g commute with each other. The Lie Bracket is also sometimes denoted using the adjoint map
For a function h and vector fields f and g,
Suppose f1,f2,⋯,fn are vector fields. A distribution Δ is the span of the vector fields at each point x:
At each point x,Δ(x) is a subspace of the tangent space at x.
The dimension of a distribution at a point x is given by
Dim Δ(x)=Rank([f1(x)f2(x)⋯fn(x)])
A distribution Δis nonsingular, also known as regular, if its dimension is constant.
A distribution Δ is involutive if
A nonsingular K-dimensional distribution Δ(x)=span{f1(x),⋯,fk(x)} is completely integrable if ∃ϕ1,⋯,ϕn−k such that ∀i,k,Lfkϕi=0 and ablaxϕiare linearly independent. \label{thm:involutive}
A nonsingular Δ is completely integrable if and only if Δis involutive.