Design Tools

Root Locus

Then the transfer function of the overall system is

The closed loop poles are the roots of the denominator polynomial (called the characteristic polynomial).

Definition 30

All points on the root locus must satisfy Equation 15.

Root Locus Rules

Theorem 6

Next, because we are dealing with real systems, complex poles must have a corresponding conjugate pole.

Theorem 7

The root locus is symmetric about the real axis.

Going back to Equation 15, we can alternatively express the angle criteria as

Theorem 8

The real axis segments of the root locus are to the left of an odd number of open loop poles and zeros.

Theorem 9

The root locus begins at the open loop poles and ends at the open loop zeros

Theorem 10

In the limit, poles will asymptotically approach

and the real axis intercept of these asymptotes is

If there is a gap between real-axis segments, in order to end at an open loop zero, poles must sometimes break away from the real axis and then re-enter.

Theorem 11

The break-in and break-away points satisfy the equation

Since the angles can travel asymptotically, they sometimes cross the imaginary axis.

Theorem 12

The root locus intersects the imaginary axis at points where

Similarly, if the poles begin at complex locations, then we can find their angle of departure.

Theorem 13

Theorem 14

Generalized Root Locus

Thus if we apply the root locus rules to the open loop system

then we can capture the behavior of the closed loop poles of the original system as we vary the location of the open loop pole we control.

Bode Plots

Definition 31

A Bode plot is a plot of the magnitude and phase of the frequency response with the magnitude on a log-log scale and the phase on a semi-log scale.

If we write the frequency response in polar form,

If we take the convert this to decibels, we get

One useful way to use bode plots is to approximate the gain and phase margin because they can easily be seen visually from the plots themselves.

Nyquist Criteria

Consider the basic feedback system in Figure 8 and suppose that

Then the feedback transfer function is

If we focus specifically on the poles of the system, then we see

Definition 32

A contour is a closed loop set of points in the complex plane.

Definition 33

A mapping is a function that takes a point in the complex plane and transforms it into another point in the complex plane.

Definition 34

The contour which is easiest to find the mapping for is the one which starts at the origin, travels up the imaginary axis, encapsulates the right half plane, and then travels back up the imaginary axis back to the origin in a counter-clockwise fasion. This is the easiest because while the contour is on the imaginary axis, the mapping is just the frequency response of the system, and we can use the Bode plot of the system in order to draw the contour because each point on the mapping is a complex vector, and the bode plot can give us both the magnitude and angle of that vector.

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