The unit impulse in continuous time is the dirac delta function
δ(t)=limΔ→0δΔ(t)δΔ(t)={Δ1,0if 0≤t<Δelse.
Definition 6
The unit step is defined as
Signal transformations
Signals can be transformed by modifying the variable.
Definition 7
The convolution of two signals in discrete time
Definition 8
The convolution of two signals in continuous time
While written in discrete time, these properties apply in continuous time as well.
Systems and their properties
Definition 9
A system is a process by which input signals are transformed to output signals
Definition 10
A memoryless system has output which is only determined by the input's present value
Definition 11
A causal system has output which only depends on input at present or past times
Definition 12
Definition 13
Definition 14
Definition 15
Definition 16
Definition 17
Exponential Signals
Exponential signals are important because they can succinctly represent complicated signals using complex numbers. This makes analyzing them much easier.
Definition 18
The frequency response of a system is how a system responds to a purely oscillatory signal
u[n]={10if n≥0else.
x(t−τ): Shift a signal right by τ steps.
x(−t): Rotate a signal about the t=0
x(kt): Stretch a signal by a factor of k
These operations can be combined to give more complex transformations. For example, y(t)=x(τ−t)=x(−(t−τ)) flips x and shifts it right by τ timesteps. This is equivalent to shifting x left by τ timesteps and then flipping it.
A stable system produces bounded output when given a bounded input. By extension, this means an unstable system is when ∃a bounded input that makes the output unbounded.
A system is time-invariant if the original input x(t) is transformed to y(t), then x(t−τ) is transformed to y(t−τ)
A system f(x) is linear if and only if for the signals y1(t)=f(x1(t)),y2(t)=f(x2(t)), then scaling (f(ax1(t))=ay(t) and superposition (f(x1(t)+x2(t))=y1(t)+y2(t)) hold.
Notice: The above conditions on linearity require that x(0)=0 because if a=0, then we need y(0)=0 for scaling to be satisfied
The impulse response of a system f[x] is h[n]=f[δ[n]], which is how it response to an impulse input.
A system has a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) if h[n]decays to zero in a finite amount of time
A system has an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) if h[n]does not decay to zero in a finite amount of time